Copy command in talend and in perl code

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Copy command in talend and in perl code

Post by banurajadurai » Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:12 am


What is the difference between using copy command from talend tool and in perl code . Both will connect to DB and issue copy ,but which is more advantageous to use from tool or through code??

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Re: Copy command in talend and in perl code

Post by id10t » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:49 am


>> What is the difference between using copy command from talend tool and in perl code?
Who will do a "fork()".

>> but which is more advantageous to use from tool or through code??
In general from code, but it's has no impact if you still use in Talend.
Do you think that Talend executes your script? You are wrong: Talend calls for Perl interpreter for doing a job.
So in any case Perl executes a script not Talend. Difference: who calls for Perl interpreter - Talend or directly?

For consistency do all from one source - probably Talend. Don't mix: one script executed by Talend and other by Perl interpretor.

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