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Curl error with Splunk Rest api, receiving data from peer?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:56 am
by Kinjal
I have the following rest call on a new 6.4 environment, and it's coming back with error:
1. curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer
Not sure what's wrong...
1. curl -k -u admin:pass -k http://myhost:8089/servicesNS/-/-/search/jobs/export -d search="search index=_internal|head 2 |table sourcetype, eventtype, source, host" -d output_mode=csv
The admin account has all the reset capabilities enabled on it.

Re: Curl error with Splunk Rest api, receiving data from peer?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 7:34 pm
by NorbertKrupa
Hi, please clarify what your question has to do with Vertica.

Otherwise, we will have to remove your post as it is off topic for these forums.