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Loading sorted data in vertica

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:56 pm
by dhaneshp
I have data that is already sorted by primary keys, which I want to load to vertica. Is there anyway to specify that the data is already sorted so that Vertica can make use of that information to make the loads more efficient?

Re: Loading sorted data in vertica

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:23 pm
by JimKnicely
No, there is not a way to tell Vertica not to sort because you have sorted data.

The reasoning behind that is simple. We require that all columns be sorted once they reach the ROS. Vertica cannot risk that the input record set is sorted, even though the user is telling us that it is.

Although, the good news is that if the data is sorted first, it will load faster into the ROS. This is especially true if you have primary key constraint checking turning on (Vertica 8 handles this situation particularly well!)