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Issue while creating new user in MC (Vertica 7)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:23 pm
by sdorich
I created a user (with IT privileges) in Vertica 7's MC and doing so caused me (dbadmin) to loose my admin privileges! I actually had to install the MC on another node to get my privileges back! Why would this happen?? The MC still illustrated that dbadmin (which I was logged in as) had super privileges yet dbadmin did not (dbadmin was no longer able to view certain charts, setting, etc.) so what's going on here? And yes I called the new user something other than dbadmin. So not sure where I went wrong - maybe there's a bug with the MC? The only thing I can think of is that I'm using the community version still so maybe I'm not allowed to make a new user? But even in that case first of all why did it let me and second why couldn't I get my admin privileges back after deleting the new user?

Thanks ahead of time!