Special operators will work in vertica DB?

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Special operators will work in vertica DB?

Post by gvkiranreddy » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:46 pm


Can anyone please tell me this operators will work in vertica DB.

Operation Character Word Syntax Description of Operation
Logical AND & AND a & b
a AND b Returns records that contain a, b, and c
Logical OR | OR a | b
a OR b Returns records that contain a, b, or c
Logical NOT ~ NOT a ~ b
a NOT b Returns records that contain a and not b
Near ; NEAR a;b
near(a, b) Use the near operator to return a score based on proximity of the query terms.
Soundex ! (none) !term
!break Returns text that contains words with similar sounds, but may be spelled differently.
Wildcard (single) - (none) t_rm
term_ The underscore wildcard specifies any character can appear in a single position.
Wildcard (multiple) % (none) %erm
ter% The % wildcard specifies that any characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard.
Stem $ (none) $term
$install Expands a query to include all terms having the same stem or root word as the search term
$scream -- scream, screaming, screamed
$distinguish -- distinguish, distinguishes, distinguidhed
$sing -- sing, sang, sung
Weight * (none) term*2 Returns text that contains the term. Calculates score by multiplying the raw score of item by .1 to 10.
The product of the score * weight tops out at 100
Escape Characters {} (none) {this and that} Notifies the search tool that the key word should be treated as a search word instead.
Escape Character \ (none) \$500 Notifies the search tool that the character should be treated as a regular character, rather than a key character.
Grouping Characters ( ) [ ] (none)

By using the above things i would like to evaluate whether these will work in vertica or not, i already tested "AND, OR", only OR is working? can you please elaborate and give me the examples if any possible?

Thanks & Regards,

Posts: 9
Joined: Tue May 21, 2013 7:09 am

Re: Special operators will work in vertica DB?

Post by gvkiranreddy » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:43 pm

Special operators like below:

"AND" &

"OR" |

"NOT" ~

"NEAR" ;


OPERATORS will work in vertica DB?

Actually my requirement is to do text search in vertica database by using regular expressions, but i did not find any example for soundex.

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