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Insert/Update row with apostrophe in description

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:29 pm
by clv100
I am updating a description column in a table from the values that were loaded into another table. Some of the descriptions have apostrophes in the description and I am returning errors when I try to update or insert into the table when there is an apostrophe in the description. I have googled and tried different methods but I am still getting the errors.

These are the queries being executed in separate functions:
qrystr2 = """insert into strgrp_mast (locgroupno, locgroupname ) values(%s, '%s');""" % (lgno, lgname)
qrystr3 = """update strgrp_mast set locgroupname = '%s' where locgroupno = %s ;""" % (lgname, lgno)


(These are debugging "print" from the output, the first line is a print of the query and this works with out a problem because there is NO apostrophe in the description)
update strgrp_mast set locgroupname = '2010 LATE GRAD STRS ' where locgroupno = 5700 ;

'B' ModlStrCode 2013 --This is the description value being passed with quotes in the description

insert into strgrp_mast (locgroupno, locgroupname ) values(6001, ''B' ModlStrCode 2013');
Invalid : ('42601', '[42601] ERROR 4856: Syntax error at or near "B\' ModlStrCode 2013\'" at character 68\n (4856) (SQLExecDirectW)')
This did not work!

Please let me know if I did not explain this well!! I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!!
Cece V.

Re: Insert/Update row with apostrophe in description

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:38 pm
by JimKnicely
Maybe this post can help?


Maybe you can prepend (prefix) and append the double dollar signs to you locgroupname variable?

Re: Insert/Update row with apostrophe in description

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:55 pm
by clv100
Thank you SO MUCH!! That worked!!

qrystr2 = """insert into strgrp_mast (locgroupno, locgroupname ) values(%s, $$%s$$);""" % (lgno, lgname)

Re: Insert/Update row with apostrophe in description

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:47 pm
by JimKnicely