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CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:08 pm
by jinimg
Hi Friends,

I am using Vertica .Net data provider 4.1.7 in my .NET appliation. I am facing a strange issue on TEMP table creation.

I have started a new TRANSACTION and exectuing couple of insert and update queries. After that I am creating a TEMP table using the same transaction. But after the CREATE TEMP table ExecuteNonQuery method the transaction automatically committed. I want to commit the transaction after executing couple of statements. My code is as below:

Code: Select all

using (var conn = VerticaHelper.GetConnection())
               VerticaTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction();
              ExecuteNonQuery("insert into testschema.mytable(id,name) values(1,'fdfd')",conn,trans);

             string createTempTable = "CREATE LOCAL TEMP TABLE temp_1022(id int,name varchar(100)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;";
             ExecuteNonQuery(createTempTable,conn,trans); //After executing this command the previous statement also commited why?????

function ExecuteNonQuery(query,conn,trans){
           using (VerticaCommand cmd = new VerticaCommand(query, conn))
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.Transaction = trans;                    
                    int numChanged = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                   


Please help me

Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:32 pm
by JimKnicely

SQL commands like CREATE, ALTER and DROP issue an implicit commit to the database. These commands are changing the structure of the database and are often referred to as DDL (Data Definition Language) commands as opposed to DML (Data Definition Language) commands like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

Example in vsql:

Code: Select all

dbadmin=> begin transaction;
dbadmin=> insert into testschema.mytable(id,name) values(1,'fdfd');
(1 row)

dbadmin=> CREATE LOCAL TEMP TABLE temp_1022(id int,name varchar(100)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;
dbadmin=> rollback;
INFO 2499:  Cannot rollback; no transaction in progress
dbadmin=> select * from testschema.mytable;
 id | name
  1 | fdfd
(1 row)
I tried to rollback the INSERT statement, but there was nothing to "rollback" as the transaction (i.e. INSERT statement) was already committed when the CREATE statement was executed...

Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:46 pm
by jinimg
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the quick response.

Is there any option to turn OFF the auto commit feature before issuing CREATE statement?

Actually we are using this temp table concept for inserting bulk data to a physical table after some validations in the temp table itself. If you can suggest any other method to insert huge data without using the temp table. So that we can execute all SQL statements in a single transaction.


Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:24 pm
by JimKnicely

I do not think you can turn off the implicit commits made by DDL.

Maybe you can use permanent as opposed to temporary tables for data validation/transformation? That's what I've done in the past. We called them build and/or staging tables.

Basically, we truncate the build table, load some data, check the data/transform it if needed, then load it into the main table. Keep in mind that the TRUNCATE command is a DDL command that will issue an implicit commit, so you'd have to run it very early on in the process. But if you are going to that can you create the temporary tables earlier on in the process (prior to the inserts)?

Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:06 am
by jinimg
Thanks for the update Jim. But creating physical table instead of temp table is very costly in our application. We have almost 50 or more temp table in entire application.

What we are thinking is to change the order of execution and issue all temp table creation in the beginning of transaction. Appreciate your valuable inputs. Thanks again.


Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:39 pm
by jinimg
Hi Jim,

I moved the create temp table statement just after the begin transaction. But when I am trying to insert data using "COPY temp_table_name FROM STDIN DIRECT DELIMITER '|' RECORD TERMINATOR '\r\n';" I am facing the same issue of auto commit. The transaction committed automatically while issuing the COPY command also??? Is this an expected behaviour ??


Re: CREATE TEMP TABLE transaction auto commit issue

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:07 pm
by scutter
You can use COPY .. NO COMMIT to defer the commit.
