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the vertica process for the database is running on the following hosts

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:56 am
by q413323745
my virtual Environment:

hp1 <---------------> hp2
190 191

i had two troubles in my installation:


first one:

Database with 1 or 2 hosts cannot be k-safe and it may lose data if it crashes

my two hosts disk utilization is under 60% , why it still gave me this message, but i stilled go on


second :

*** Creating database: www *** OK [vertica][(7, 1, 1)][000][x86_64] OK [vertica][(7, 1, 1)][000][x86_64]
Checking full connectivity
Creating database www
Starting bootstrap node v_www_node0001 (
Starting nodes:
v_www_node0001 (

Starting Vertica on all nodes. Please wait, databases with large catalogs may take a while to initialize.

Node Status: v_www_node0001: (INITIALIZING)
Node Status: v_www_node0001: (INITIALIZING)
Node Status: v_www_node0001: (UP)
Creating database nodes
Creating node v_www_node0002 (host
Generating new configuration information
Stopping bootstrap node
Starting all nodes
Starting nodes:
v_www_node0001 (
v_www_node0002 (
Error: the vertica process for the database is running on the following hosts:
This may be because the process has not completed previous shutdown activities. Please
wait and retry again.

Node Status: v_www_node0001: (DOWN) v_www_node0002: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_www_node0001: (DOWN) v_www_node0002: (DOWN)
Node Status: v_www_node0001: (DOWN) v_www_node0002: (DOWN)

@@@@@@@@@@@@@that the log gave me this: /opt/vertica/log/adminTools-dbadmin.log

Mar 22 11:49:48 [5904] Scp outbound: local_file: /home/dbadmin/www/v_www_node0001_catalog/spread.conf, remote_file: dbadmin@
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] Starting nodes:
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] v_www_node0001 (
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] v_www_node0002 (
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] KSafety: 0 Total hosts:2 Down hosts:[]
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <BashAdapter: dbadmin@>: ['/opt/vertica/bin/vertica -V']
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <PexpectAdapter: dbadmin@>: /opt/vertica/bin/vertica -V
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <BashAdapter: dbadmin@>: (rc=0) ['Vertica Analytic Database v7.1.1-0', "vertica(v7.1.1-0) built by from releases/VER_7_1_RELEASE_BUILD_1_0_20141016@148158 on 'Thu Oct 16 15:55:09 America/New_York 2014' $BuildId$"]
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <PexpectAdapter: dbadmin@>: (rc=0) ['Vertica Analytic Database v7.1.1-0', "vertica(v7.1.1-0) built by from releases/VER_7_1_RELEASE_BUILD_1_0_20141016@148158 on 'Thu Oct 16 15:55:09 America/New_York 2014' $BuildId$"]
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <BashAdapter: dbadmin@>: ['/opt/vertica/bin/vertica --status -D /home/dbadmin/www/v_www_node0001_catalog || ps -C "vertica" -o args | grep -F "/home/dbadmin/www/v_www_node0001_catalog"']
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <PexpectAdapter: dbadmin@>: /opt/vertica/bin/vertica --status -D /home/dbadmin/www/v_www_node0002_catalog || ps -C "vertica" -o args | grep -F "/home/dbadmin/www/v_www_node0002_catalog"
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <BashAdapter: dbadmin@>: (rc=0) ['vertica process is running (PID 6194)']
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] <PexpectAdapter: dbadmin@>: (rc=1) ['vertica process is not running']
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.StartDatabaseNodes] Vertica running on ['vertica process is running (PID 6194)']
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] Error: the vertica process for the database is running on the following hosts:
This may be because the process has not completed previous shutdown activities. Please
wait and retry again.

Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkDatabaseState] dbName=www, port=5433, nodemap={'v_www_node0002': '', 'v_www_node0001': ''}
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkDatabaseState] vsql_cmd = /opt/vertica/bin/vsql --no-vsqlrc -n -p 5433 -h '' www
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkDatabaseState] vsql return code = 2
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkDatabaseState] vsql_cmd = /opt/vertica/bin/vsql --no-vsqlrc -n -p 5433 -h '' www
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkDatabaseState] vsql return code = 2
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] {"type":"NODEHOST", "state":"DOWN", "host":"", "node":"v_www_node0001", "dbname":"www", "msg":"", "maxSteps":"1", "currStep":"1"}
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] {"type":"NODEHOST", "state":"DOWN", "host":"", "node":"v_www_node0002", "dbname":"www", "msg":"", "maxSteps":"1", "currStep":"1"}
Mar 22 11:49:49 [5904] [SSH.checkForRunning] nodeStatusString: Node Status: v_www_node0001: (DOWN) v_www_node0002: (DOWN)

PID 6194 ???

[root@localhost ~]# ps aux | grep 6194
root 8948 0.0 0.0 103244 856 pts/1 S+ 11:20 0:00 grep 6194

[root@localhost ~]# ls /proc/6194
ls: cannot access /proc/6194: No such file or directory

no such process , why ??? was the previous process haven't enough time to close his vertica initialization process and the next step was comming up so it think vertica process was staill running????

so the process haven't more try to start vertica process but try to connect to port 5433 so give me this message ???

how can i solve this porblem ???? please help me ????? ...... else i will cry .......~~~~(>_<)~~~~

Re: the vertica process for the database is running on the following hosts

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:17 pm
by JimKnicely

Did you try running the ps command to see if there are any Vertica processes running on each server prior to starting the db?

ps -aux | grep -i vertica

If there are, first try using the admintools to kill the processes on the hosts:

admintools -t kill_host -s,

If that doesn't work, you can use kill -9 to end terminate the processes.