Vertica Supported EC2 Instance Types

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Vertica Supported EC2 Instance Types

Post by teleological » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:40 pm

It looks like, starting with version 8, Vertica began to specify a limited set of supported EC2 instance types. I ran Vertica 7 on an instance type (x1.32xlarge) that wasn't included in this specification: As far as I know, there wasn't guidance on instance type for that release.

I'm curious to know if anybody knows anything about why the supported instance types are restricted, and if the restriction is enforced by install/upgrade scripts, or if people have experience running non-supported types since version 8?

Context: I'm thinking that the i3 class, with NVMe instance stores, might work well with EON mode.

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Re: Vertica Supported EC2 Instance Types

Post by JimKnicely » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:27 pm


Vertica provides several validation utilities that can be used prior to deploying Vertica to help determine if your hosts and network can properly handle the processing and network traffic required by Vertica. These utilities can also be used if you are encountering performance issues and need to troubleshoot the issue.

See: ... cripts.htm

The supported EC2 instances meet or exceed the minimum requirements as suggested by those tools.

Also ... Although there are many more EC2 instance types that can successfully host Vertica just fine, from a resource perspective, it would be very difficult for the Vertica team to support all of them! Those that are listed have been heavily QA'd so you can be assured that they're the one best suited to run Vertica in your environment.
Jim Knicely


Note: I work for Vertica. My views, opinions, and thoughts expressed here do not represent those of my employer.

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Re: Vertica Supported EC2 Instance Types

Post by teleological » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:17 pm

Thank you for your informed opinion, Jim.

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